Regenerative Culture

regenerative culture

What would it be like to live amongst people who communicate lovingly and clearly, who want to support you to be your best, who value both connection and effectiveness, who honour all emotions and parts of ourselves?

We define regenerative culture as a way of being that originates, like us, from nature and the patterns within it that connect us to ourselves, each other and, thus, remind us that we are part of nature. These patterns foster life and the future generations by supporting us all to bring our gifts and to know our belonging to the earth and the earth community.  It is about including the future in our actions and seeing through the wider lense of life.

This culture can be brought alive through various practices and ways of being such as living according to the seasons and rhythms of our natural cycles. As well as gratitude, appreciation, embodied awareness, playfulness, welcoming, mentoring, tending our grief, tending the land with ecological awareness, being in ceremony, deep nature connection, intergenerational roles such as elders and teens, transitional rites and marking ceremonies, initiation processes, deep listening, peace building and inner tracking.

We can look at part of what regenerative culture is about as an ecological homecoming. To this end, cultivating these practices is an integral aspect of how we wish to live together.

We stand on the threshold of a great unknown. Individually and collectively, we launch into an uncertain future — at once, both perilous and saturated with possibility. Our accustomed, culturally-determined roles and identities are inadequate to navigate the sea change of our time. Our collective journey requires a radical shift in the human relationship with the community of all life — a cultural transformation so profound that future humans might regard it as an evolution of consciousness. Safe passage requires each of us to offer our full magnificence to the world. Popular culture cannot help us uncover our singular gifts; contemporary institutions do not invite their expression. Our particular genius can be discovered only in an initiatory journey —

~ Bill Plotkin