Vision, Values, & Agreements

our Vision

We are co-creating a regenerative culture and nourishing home environment that supports wildness to thrive, holds reciprocity with all life at its heart and honours a power greater than our human selves.

We consider it our sacred responsibility as part of the wider earth community to live with ecological awareness and to do our best to show up as the fullest, most authentic versions of ourselves in alignment with the group’s values.

our values

Homecoming is a values-based community. The following shared document of our values guide how we intend to live our lives and the choices and decisions we make individually and as a community, in service to our vision and the regenerative culture it centres around. 

As part of the paradigm shift we believe is needed at this time we are practically manifesting our appreciation for and interconnectedness with the rest of life through the choices we make and the impacts we have in the world by doing our best to align to these values.

These are the categories we’ve come up with so far:

  • Love, compassion and being fully alive
  • Ecological Awareness
  • Mutually beneficial reciprocal relationship
  • Shared power, governance and responsibility
  • Decolonising at depth: awakening to and co-liberating from our cultural conditioning
  • Working with emergence
  • Living as our longings

And you can read more details here: Homecoming Values

our relational agreements

Cultivating healthy relational culture lies at the heart of our vision and values and the transformation we long for in the world.  Our Relational Agreements provide a point of reference for co-creating this relational culture throughout all our community relating.

We understand that human dynamics may not always be harmonious and straight forward and that rupture is inevitable. We believe that, while this rupture can be uncomfortable, it is a rich opportunity for transformation and holds the possibility for both deepening and strengthening our connections.  We also acknowledge that it isn’t always possible to find resolution and surrendering to this in itself is part of what it means to be human. 

As members we commit to proactively doing what is necessary to more and more align with these agreements, whilst recognising that these are aspirational and none of us are, or need to be perfect. We intend to live by these agreements with the wisdom that we may stumble. 

These agreements are work in progress and as new situations arise there may be the need to review and make additions.  There is also already a lot here and that may feel overwhelming too! We hold these as ‘good enough for now, safe enough to try’.  We hope you do too : )

See the Relational Agreements for more information about each agreement. 

our community agreements

 These agreements cover more of the practical side of living together.  For us, these are more tangible and may include topics that feel edgy as we get into the details of co-creating a life together (or even the idea of it).  Without these kind of agreements, and the conversations that happen around them before and during our communal living experience things could become unclear and bring unnecessary tensions and resentments.  As with the relational agreements, it’s helpful to hold that we’re imperfectly perfect and acknowledge that things will arise that have not yet been agreed to and, thus, we approach them as an emergent process that is up for review on a regular basis (tbc).

Please note some of these agreements could be deal-breakers for you:  (see Community Agreements).

Our Decision making process and proposed legal set up

Here is an introduction to our Collective Decision Making Process.

You can find out where we’re at with developing our Legal Landscape here.
We are setting up a Company Limited by Guarantee, using Cooperative principles and Mutual Home Ownership agreements to collectively own the land and buildings, likely with a collective mortgage, allowing people to join and leave the community in an agile and more affordable way.